Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is a private, independent, non-profit-making research and training institute, established in Athens in 1988. Its mission is to conduct research and provide policy makers, academics and the public at large with authoritative information and substantiated policy recommendations, so as to contribute to the development of evidence-based responses to major European and foreign policy challenges. ELIAMEP’s expertise spans over a wide range of fields: the European integration process; migration and multiculturalism; democracy, human rights and civic participation; good governance; and the rule of law; security, international relations and conflict resolution (with a special focus on the Balkans, the Middle East and the wider Mediterranean); the political and socio-economic implications of environmental issues, such as climate change or the depletion of conventional energy resources. The Foundation also undertakes various kinds of information and awareness-raising activities to promote the public debate, such as the production of publications, the provision of information to the media, the organization of conferences, training seminars and round-table discussions, etc. The Foundation’s work is funded primarily through grants awarded to it in support of specific projects; donations; and fees for the provision of research services. It is governed by a 13-member Board of Directors, staffed by a large number of highly-qualified research fellows, associates and interns, as well as a smaller team of experienced administrators who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Foundation.
Main Tasks within FEUTURE
Work Package Leader:
WP6 “Migration Drivers” (Dr. Angeliki Dimitriadi)
Contribution to:
WP1 “Conceptual and Analytical Toolkit”
WP3 “Economic Drivers”
WP4 “Security Drivers”
WP5 “Energy and Climate Drivers”
WP8 “Synthesis of Research Findings and Policy Recommendations”
WP9 “Dissemination and Outreach”
WP10 “Overall Project Coordination and Management”
Dimitriadi, Dr. Angeliki
Dokos, Dr. Thanos
Manoli, Asst. Prof. Dr. Panagiota