Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB)

CIDOB is a leading independent and plural think tank based in Barcelona, dedicated to the study, research and analysis of international affairs. It has a dynamic community of analysts that works to produce and offer to all political actors –from individual citizens to international organisations– information and ideas to help formulate and promote policies for a more secure, free and fair world. For over 40 years, CIDOB has carried out field research and studies in order to maintain its capacity for interaction with the academic world; to provide original analysis to political and economic decision-makers; and to anticipate new trends before they reach the political agenda. CIDOB has a particular focus on five fields of excellence: European Foreign Policy; regional security; Intercultural dynamics; migration and mobility, natural resources and sustainability. It has identified three key areas of interest on the international agenda: Security and Development, Globalisation and Regionalism as well as Human Rights and Citizenship. Geographically CIDOB currently focuses on three areas: a deeper and wider Europe, the broader Mediterranean, the Atlantic space and the emerging Pacific. It is a globally connected think tank, with ties to the major centres of excellence in Europe and its Mediterranean neighbours through various projects. CIDOB is also among the top think tanks in the world, holding the 58th position in the “Global Go To Think Tank” ranking. CIDOB has a long record of expertise in research projects within the FP7 (e.g. as coordinator of EU4SEAS, ATLANTIC FUTURE and SAHWA) and has a wide experience in dissemination and documentation activities. Currently, it leads a consortium of 14 institutions in a Horizon 2020 project focused on the new geopolitical order in the Middle East (MENARA) and it participates as a partner in a project that aims to rethink the Euro-Mediterranean relations (Med-Reset).
Main Tasks within FEUTURE
Work Package Leader:
WP2 “Political Drivers” (Dr. Eduard Soler I Lecha)
Contribution to:
WP1 “Conceptual and Analytical Toolkit”
WP4 “Security Drivers”
WP6 “Migration Drivers”
WP8 “Synthesis of Research Findings and Policy Recommendations”
WP9 “Dissemination and Outreach”
WP10 “Overall Project Coordination and Management”
Bardolet Dilmé, Anna
Bourekba, Moussa
De Pedro, Nicolás
Farrés, Oriol
Morillas, Assoc. Prof. Pol
Sánchez-Montijano, Adjunct Prof. Dr. Elena
Sökmen, Melike Janine