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Middle East Research Institute (MERI)

MERI is a newly established (May 2014) independent, not-for-profit organisation, based in Erbil (Kurdistan Region of Iraq). Its mission is to promote the principles of regional security and peace, democratisation, rule of law, human rights, institutionalisation and social and economic prosperity. Towards that end, MERI is trying to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics in the Middle East by conducting research fieldwork in the region in general and in Iraq in particular and developing practical policy recommendations. MERI is here to guarantee that there is space for intellectual stimulation, open public debates and practical solutions in a spirit of good will and critical thinking. MERI seeks active feedback for its policy recommendations from regional and international stakeholders and disseminates its research output through regional and international media outlets as well as expert conferences. MERI has a broad range of activities, currently grouped under three operational programmes: International Politics and National Security; Democracy and Governance as well as Economics, Energy and Environment. MERI’s annual forums gather academics and policy-makers from around the world including Turkey, Iran, Syria, the US and Europe to debate on topics such as “The Middle East in Transition: The Need for Dialogue and Reconciliation”, “Sharing Visions for the Future of the Middle East”. Additionally MERI organises Policy Debates on Turkey and KRG Relations (January 2015), the Institutionalisation and Unification of the Peshmerga Forces (May 2015) and the MERI Economic Forum (27-28 April 2016).

Main Tasks within FEUTURE

Contribution to: 

WP1 “Conceptual and Analytical Toolkit”

WP4 “Security Drivers”

WP5 “Energy and Climate Drivers”

WP8 “Synthesis of Research Findings and Policy Recommendations”

WP9 “Dissemination and Outreach”


Ala'Aldeen, Dlawer

Wirya, Khogir

Palani, Kamaran
