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Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM)

The Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) is an independent think tank based in Istanbul. EDAM is the foremost Turkish institution dealing with security and defence issues, as well as Turkey-EU relations. EDAM’s research focuses on Foreign Policy and Security, Turkey-EU relations and Turkey’s EU accession and reform process, energy and climate change policies, international economics and the management of globalisation as well as cyber policy. In line with this, EDAM’s research explores Turkey’s relations with its transatlantic partners, its neighbours and international organizations, along with regional and external security matters that influence these relations. The rankings of global think tanks, published annually by the University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program, have been released in the beginning of 2016. In the list that ranked 6846 think tanks around the world, 16 Turkish institutions have received rankings in various categories. EDAM has been the only Turkish think tank that made it into 8 different categories, including 9th Best Think Tank in the Middle East and North African region, 9th Best Think Tank Conference in the world, as well as 15th Top Defense and National Security Think Tank globally, 1st in Turkey and 3rd best outside of the US and the UK.

Main Tasks within FEUTURE

Work Package Leader 

WP4   “Security Drivers” (Sinan Ülgen)

WP8   “Synthesis of Research Findings and Policy Recommendations” (Sinan Ülgen)

Contribution to: 

WP1   “Conceptual and Analytical Toolkit”

WP2   “Political Drivers”

WP3   “Economic Drivers”

WP5   “Energy and Climate”

WP9   “Dissemination and Outreach”

WP10 “Overall Project Coordination and Management”


Al, Nazife

Deniz, Yesil

Ergun, Doruk

Han, Dr. Ahmet K.

Kasapoğlu, Dr. Can

Özel, Soli 

Saatcioğlu, Assoc. Prof. Beken

Ülgen, Sinan

Ünver, Asst. Prof. Dr. Akin
